Ready to Level Up Your Life?

Each week we'll do a deep dive into subjects related to coaching, leveling-up, elegance, mindset, goal setting, style, sophistication, boundaries and more.

you're in the right place.

Enneagram 8, Human Design Generator. Addicted to dark chocolate. French at heart. 

About your host

I’m Dawn, your new best friend and hype-girl!

I love all things self-development. I'm addicted to self-improvement. I literally have made it my life's mission to help all women who want to level-up their lives. I want women to want/do/be more for themselves and everyone around them.
"Do it for you. Become successful for you. Work hard for you. Chase your dreams for you, When you make YOU a priority, you'll light up the world and the people around you."

-Carrie Green

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You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way. - Jennifer Freeman

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