
Imposter Syndrome

June 18, 2024

Imposter: a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud.  

Imposter syndrome is experienced by those who believe that they do not deserve their success or luck, or that they are deceiving others because they feel as though they are not as they outwardly portray themselves to be.  When imposter syndrome was first conceptualized, it was thought to be most common among high-achieving women (this is no longer thought to be the case). Oftentimes, women navigating a transition to a more up-leveled, sophisticated life will feel as though they are imposters. Ladies, this is not the case. You are not an imposter, so it’s time to let go of that imposter syndrome. Everyone has to start somewhere and just because you weren’t born into or raised in your desired environment doesn’t make you an imposter. You are already the up-leveled, sophisticated, luxurious woman that you want to be. For now, let’s adopt a “fake it til you make it” mindset.  Believe you are already that woman. If you believe you are already her, you will become her. Think like her, talk like her, walk like her, dress like her, communicate like her, live like her…you are her!

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