psst... listen up

Ready to Level Up To Your Remarkable Life?

It's time to stop living small. It's time to reimagine the possibilities. It's time to create the life and woman you want to be. It's time to elevate your thoughts and dreams. 

Sure, You Could Do It Yourself.

You could struggle through the steps of reinventing yourself. But you could make all the mistakes I've already made. You could hit the obstacles and use them as excuses to give up and go back to the comfort of the life you already know. You could let the negative self-thoughts take up residence in your head and derail your mission. 

But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works and what doesn't.

but let's be real.

Reinventing Your Whole Life Alone Totally Sucks.

When you make the decision to improve your self-image and create the life you dream of, people will start to fall away. Friends and family members who don't support your journey or understand it will distance themselves or insist that you're thinking too highly of yourself. You may find yourself wanting to distance yourself from those who don't align with your journey.  You may feel very alone at the start. 

So what if you didn't have to? What if you had a sweet, great solution that meet all your needs? What if it was super amazing and bespoke and etc.?


Sophisticated Women Academy

Sophisticated Women Academy is an exclusive personal life coaching program that allows you to choose the self-paced program or life coaching/mentoring with someone who has traveled the same path and succeeded. It's a program designed to let you choose who you want to be. 


Initial consultation; establish rapport; determine if we're compatible, assess priority areas


Follow up sessions - assess priority areas; identify stuck/problem areas; establish & define goals; define steps needed; make commitment to goals


Measure progress; maintain accountability, continue to set new goals & steps needed 


I'm an Expert at Life Coaching Women to Create Sophisticated Lives

I know that you are the expert at your own life. You have the answers inside of you. I help bring those answers out. I help you move forward, focusing on the present and future, rather than the past. 


You’re Someone Who Needs Coaching

You need help gaining clarity and purpose, setting achievable goals, staying motivated, improving self-awareness, improving self-confidence, unlocking potential, eliminating negative thoughts, having accountability, creating personal branding....

Don't you just wish that someone would GET it? Someone could create the kind of program that could help you reach your ULTIMATE goals?  Well.... great news.

With this program / service:

You Will:





want something like that?

get in touch

01. What is life coaching?

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. We work together to help you create your own version of a fulfilling life.

Frequently Asked Questions

02. Who needs life coaching?

Everyone! According to Bill Gates, “Everyone needs a coach. We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Coaches ask powerful questions and provide impartial feedback. We also encourage clients to ask their own powerful questions and come to their own answers. Clients who are empowered to ask their own questions and find their own answers tend to become more self-sufficient and confident long term.

03. How do you coach?

As a coach, I ask powerful questions. It’s my job to help you consider your specific situation and identify options for your personal growth and development. I also encourage you to ask your own powerful questions. I put you in the driver’s seat so that you can build your own strong foundation and become more self-sufficient and confident.

04. How long are coaching sessions?

Depends on the package you choose. 45 minutes to an hour for personal sessions. Single sessions to package sessions. And coming soon, a self-paced program that you can do at your own pace.

05. Could you describe your ideal client?

My ideal client is women looking to level up their life by identifying, clarifying and articulating their vision. Women who are ready to embark on a path of self-discovery and growth, and develop a plan of action to manifest their dream life into reality.

06. Are you a full-time coach?

Yes. Life coaching is my full-time job. It is important to me to be able to give each client serious consideration and provide deserved attention. I see each person as a real individual with real issues, looking for real solutions. 

07. Do you have a mentor?

Yes. All good coaches have their own mentors and coaches. Even as coaches, we still learn and grow and bring new perspectives to our clients. You wouldn’t want a professor who got their degree and stopped learning, just as you wouldn’t want a coach that learned how to coach and then stopped learning. A good coach will always be evolving and becoming better at listening, asking questions, and guiding clients through their own self-development.

08. What are common questions clients bring to life coaches?

What do I really want?; How can I gain greater self-confidence?; Am I standing in my own way?; How can I worry less and enjoy life more?

Ready to Change Your Life?


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You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way. - Jennifer Freeman

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