Personal Development

Ten Habits of Sophisticated Women

Coffee, white roses, and a book on a table

March 28, 2023

Being a leveled-up and sophisticated woman doesn’t happen by accident or luck. It takes a woman who is dedicated to designing her sophisticated life on purpose, who holds herself accountable for her actions and decisions, and who makes herself a priority. A few years ago I got tired of living a life that was literally sucking the life out of me. I made a decision to create a life on purpose. I wanted a life that would feel purposeful, fulfilling, joyful, luxurious, and sophisticated. I knew that creating that life was going to take some intentional design and habits. So let’s take a look at the habits that need to be cultivated in order to create your sophisticated life. 

1. Has a Clear Vision

A sophisticated woman has a clear vision of her dream life. You can’t create what you can’t envision. This step is the most important first step you can take. I suggest sitting down somewhere quiet, with a cup of coffee or tea, and meditating and journaling what you envision as your ideal sophisticated life. Don’t set limits for yourself. Dream big. Dream about everything you want for your life. It’s only in clarity that you can begin to see what you want and begin to design it on purpose.

2. Sets Goals

A sophisticated woman sets goals for herself and she sticks to them. As a sophisticated woman, I set weekly, monthly, yearly, and five year goals for myself. You don’t have to know how you’re going to accomplish all those goals at this point. You just have to have goals. You can’t create a sophisticated life without them. Once your goals are set, think of them as promises to yourself. We don’t break our promises as sophisticated women. We keep our promises as if they are a binding contract. It’s okay if you need to make adjustments to your goals, especially those long-term goals; but we don’t give up on our goals. 

3. Educates and Challenges Herself

A sophisticated woman educates and challenges herself. We never stop learning, leveling-up or challenging ourselves. Self-development becomes our middle name. It’s embedded in our DNA. It’s now an important part of our design plan. Read a book, learn a new skill, take a class, or join a coaching group. A sophisticated woman relishes in learning new things. Set a new goal to learn or challenge yourself with one new goal per month. 

4. Financially Savvy

A sophisticated woman is financially savvy. She doesn’t spend more than she has. She has a financial plan and sticks to it. She invests money so that she can watch her portfolio grow while she sleeps and hustles like the boss woman that she is.  She has a plan for retirement. 

5. Constantly Improving Herself

A sophisticated woman is constantly improving herself. In addition to educating and challenging herself, a sophisticated woman improves herself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, environmentally, and occupationally. 

6. Has a Positive Mindset

A sophisticated woman maintains a happy and positive mindset. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract what we focus on. In order to create our sophisticated life by design, we must look at our mindset. Are we thinking happy, positive, manifesting thoughts; or are we thinking unhappy, negative, not manifesting thoughts? What we focus on is going to grow. We don’t focus on the things we don’t want. We focus on things we DO want.

7. Is Confident

A sophisticated woman is confident. According to Oxford, confidence is defined as a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities. A sophisticated woman is self-assured because she has an appreciation of her own abilities and qualities. She doesn’t doubt herself or her abilities. She has this self-assurance because she has set goals for herself, she has her clear vision, she has educated herself, and she has the right mindset. 

8. Makes Herself a Priority

A sophisticated woman makes herself a priority. She knows that her own needs are more important than others’ needs. We honor others by honoring ourselves. Put your mask on before assisting others is what they tell us on airplanes. The same theory applies to your life. Put your life mask on first so that you can help others. 

9. Celebrates Her Wins

A sophisticated woman celebrates her wins, big and small. She knows it’s important to celebrate it all. It’s not just about celebrating the huge goals. It’s about celebrating all the small goals on the way to the big goal too. Pop the champagne, splurge on a nice dinner, buy the dress, buy the shoes, go out with friends. Just celebrate!

10. Holds Herself Accountable and Takes Responsibility

A sophisticated woman holds herself accountable and takes responsibility for everything in her life. She doesn’t point fingers or pass off blame when something doesn’t go as planned. She acknowledges her part, regroups, and forges ahead with her design plan. Every choice we make or don’t make has consequences and plays a role in the success of our life design. If you aren’t getting the results you want, take a moment to reassess your decisions and take accountability and responsibility. Only then, can you truly design the life of your dreams. 

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