
Warning: Fantasies May Cause Happiness

June 20, 2024

Fantasy defined by Merriam-Webster: the power or process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable mental images in response to psychological need; a mental image or a series of mental images such as a daydream; the free play of creative imagination.  According to Collins Dictionary, a fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen.

But who says you can’t make your fantasies your reality? Fantasies are your brain’s way of showing you what you want. Fantasies are a way of thinking of something as happening or possible.  When you fantasize, what is it that you want? Use your fantasies as a way to get clarity about those things that you desire. Don’t ever stop fantasizing. Refuse to settle. Keep dreaming, growing, expanding, and creating. Fantasies are our roadmap. They show us where we want to go. You don’t have to explain or rationalize your fantasies to anyone. They only have to make sense to you, and only you have to like your reason(s) for wanting what you want. If you want that luxury house but your friends think it’s pretentious, who cares! It doesn’t matter. Do you want a luxury car? Doesn’t matter. For me, I like the comfort and features that come with my luxury car; and the service from the dealership is exemplary. I don’t care that my friends think I’ve paid too much for my car. The only thing I have to care about is my reason for wanting the luxury car. Do you want a designer wardrobe? Only you have to care about your reasons for wanting a designer wardrobe. You get the idea here. 

When you fantasize, I want you to have the most expansive thoughts you’ve ever had. Dream as big as you want. Nothing is off limits in your fantasies. Create vision boards of all the things you fantasize about having in your life. Post your vision boards where you can see them. Focus on what you want. Use the law of attraction and manifestation to create what you want. 

Beware of infinite happiness as the life you fantasize starts to become a reality. 

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